Get Involved With National Infertility Awareness Week

Although infertility is a common medical condition, it, unfortunately, suffers from a number of cultural and social stigmas. Many people have a basic understanding of what infertility is, but their perceptions are often eclipsed by inaccurate information. That’s why it’s important for people in the infertility community to get involved in National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), which takes place April 19-25, 2020.
By taking part in NIAW, you can help to raise awareness, educate others, and change the conversation about infertility. This year, all physical NIAW events have been canceled due to COVID-19, but there are still many ways for you to get digitally involved.
Get Social
Social media is playing a central role in NIAW advocacy this year. There are a number of campaigns and social initiatives that you can participate in, including:
Sharing your infertility story on Facebook and Twitter. Sometimes the way to make people understand something is not through science and statistics, but through honest storytelling. Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with infertility, have gone through fertility treatments, or are pursuing parenthood via third-party reproduction methods such as egg donation, your story has the power to inspire and educate others. Be sure to tag @resolve and use hashtags like #NIAW, #IamChangingtheConversation, #NationalInfertilityAwarenessWeek, and #MyStory.
Participate in Resolve’s #WearOrange campaign. On Wednesday, April 22, 2020, post a selfie wearing orange, whether it’s a full carrot-colored outfit or a tangerine shade of lipstick, and tag @resolve using the hashtag #WearOrange. As this bright, eye-catching color spreads across social media, more and more people will take notice and become more aware of infertility.
Participate in a Virtual Awareness Event
Virtual awareness events are a great way for people to get involved in NIAW, especially if they’re not ready to share their stories with the world. Some of these events are also a great way for people who aren’t directly impacted by infertility themselves but still want to show some support for the infertility community or learn more about the condition. These events include:
Virtual Walks of Hope. These are basically like regular Walks of Hope, except with social distancing in place. You stay connected to other walkers through social media.
The Beat Fertility Summit, a free virtual event in which fertility industry experts will discuss a broad range of infertility topics, including the conditions that lead to infertility, treatments, egg donation, and more.
Changing the Conversation
In order for us to change the conversation about infertility, we need to come together and let our voices be heard. By getting involved in NIAW this year, you can help raise awareness and educate people about what infertility is really about.
For more infertility support, please contact Egg Donor America today.