
Young Women and Quality Fertility Care

In recent years, women have become more proactive than ever before about their reproductive health and choices. For example, it’s becoming increasingly common for women to put off starting their families until they are older so that they can focus on their careers or accomplish other personal goals.

While there certainly are a number of options that can help raise a woman’s chance of conceiving at a later age, it doesn’t change the biological fact that becoming pregnant becomes more difficult as a woman gets older. As such, there is a growing push for women to start being mindful of their fertility health at a younger age.

The good news is that starting a quality fertility care routine doesn’t have to be difficult – in fact, it generally coincides with leading a healthy lifestyle, just with a few more bells and whistles. Here are some tips that younger women can incorporate into their lives to help manage their fertility health.

Develop and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Taking care of your fertility starts with taking care of yourself. As with other health initiatives, eating nutritious food, regularly exercising, taking vitamins or supplements, and maintaining a healthy body weight are the cornerstones of reducing medical risks. To really do your due diligence, you should also abstain from smoking, drink less caffeine, and limit alcohol consumption.

Protect yourself from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
Again, not only is this a good practice to institute for a healthy life, but it’s also beneficial for your fertility. Some STDs, such as chlamydia, can actually cause permanent damage to your reproductive system. Keep yourself and your fertility healthy by always practicing safe sex, using protection, and being regularly screened for STDs. This is especially critical if you’re sexually active with multiple partners.

Keep track of your menstrual cycles.
Being in tune with your body’s natural cycles can be extremely helpful in terms of recognizing a possible pregnancy or even just planning a future trip. As far as fertility goes, period tracking can help you quickly identify whether something is out of sync. While some women simply record their menstruation dates on a calendar, using a mobile tracking app on your phone can really enhance your period-tracking activities. With these apps, you can not only track your cycle duration and spacing but also monitor your symptoms and analyze your patterns.

Taking care of your fertility health now while your body is young and healthy improves your odds of being able to start a family in the future. However, even if you do end up struggling with infertility issues, it’s important to realize that fertility is complicated and heavily misunderstood without the help of a specialist.